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Become a Member

Your $20 tax-deductible membership dues are an investment in Haw Creek, the place we call home.

The Haw Creek Community Association serves the residents of Haw Creek valley by providing community connections, communications, and coordinated representation on matters that improve the neighborhood’s quality of life and safety.

As an all-volunteer nonprofit, we rely on people who live in the community for their support—

through participation in events, volunteer efforts, and financial donations.

We hope you’ll join us by becoming a member today (membership is for one year from the date you join).

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If you prefer to pay by check: make your check payable to “HCCA” and mail to:
P.O. Box 9193
Asheville, NC 28815

Please include your name, email address and mailing address. Thank you!

HCCA is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit, all dues and donations are tax-deductible.

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