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Haw Creek Park Greenway

The neighborhood association that brought you Haw Creek Park and Masters Park is well on our way to bringing a public greenway to the Haw Creek valley, right across the street from PennyCup and Creekside Taphouse. This natural-surface, mostly-flat trail will meander through woods and a meadow alongside Haw Creek, offering the first public access to our namesake creek.

The greenway will link treasured community attractions – the East Asheville Public Library, Haw Creek Park, our charming commercial area – with the surrounding residential area and the nearby elementary school. Imagine the joy of walking along the creek to access these, or just stopping by for a relaxing creek side picnic.

HCCA is making good progress on securing the funding. We undertook a fundraising campaign and raised over $10,000 from generous Haw Creek residents. While supporting the project, we're also using these donations to demonstrate broad-based community support, which will increase our chances for success in obtaining grants, the primary source of income for this project.

Make a Donation 

Haw Creek Park Greenway Campaign contributions will be used to:

  • Help create a bucolic, walkable connection between fun places to visit in Haw Creek, like the library, park, grade school, and commercial district.
  • Enable all residents to enjoy what would be the first and only public access to our namesake Haw Creek.
  • Show strong community support to targeted grant making organizations, helping convince them to award us the bulk of funding required.

In late February we received a $5,000 grant from respected greenway advocates Connect Buncombe.

In March we submitted a grant application for Buncombe County's Open Space Passive Recreation Bond for the remainder of the funds needed. Our application passed an initial set of screenings and in June we were invited to present to the county grant committee. In July we welcomed grant committee members for a site visit, where we walked the proposed greenway path together and explained our vision.

The bond committee has shifted their timeline a bit later, and now expects to have a final answer for us in OctoberWithout a doubt, the Haw Creek campaign donations strengthen our application. Your support gives the grant committee solid proof that we are eager to see this project completed.

Both grant applications required us to do extensive planning that included not just trail construction but easement acquisition, building a bridge, removing invasive plants, trimming trees, adding native plants, and creating signage. So we'll be in a good position to hit the ground running should we get positive news on the grant this fall. If all goes smoothly – note there are a lot of moving parts to this – we anticipate a grand opening next spring.

Get Involved

~ Do you have particular requests for trail design elements? Let us know! We’ve already heard from many of you, and your ideas are always welcome.

~ Do you enjoy gardening? After professional trail builders, bridge builders, and invasive removal experts have worked their magic, we're planning on restoring natural habitat along the greenway. HCCA’s Clean & Green Committee will spearhead that effort. People with all levels of experience are welcome to join.

Please contact us at and we’ll get back to you asap.

HCCA has a track record of success on community-driven projects. By working in partnership with local and state government, foundations, and our neighbors, we have been able to accomplish valued and lasting improvements for the Haw Creek community. We believe this greenway will provide these same long-lasting benefits.

Photos of the current path that will become the greenway and Haw Creek. 

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