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Community Outreach Committee Meeting Notes




7:05-8:20 pm

Attendees: Christina Maggi, Debbie Francis, Leslie Morris (Chair), Renate Rikkers,
Rick Fornoff, Storms Reback; Guest: Emily Oldenburg

Unable to attend: Bruce Black, Chris Pelly, Jim Brunner

Notes/Next Steps

Reviewed past events

The Chili Cook Off successfully brought the community together, with younger and older residents attending; everyone agreed that the comradery was more important than raising funds; the timing in late October was good and we should plan for this event again in 2024

The Nov 14 HCCA Community Meeting was a success with strong attendance; all agreed that we should have a PowerPoint presentation at all public meetings and that we need a better sound system

Reviewed scheduled events

Game Day Sundays: Jan 7, Feb 4, Mar 3, 2:00 to 4:30 pm at Haw Creek Commons
•   Alison Maddox will host with assistance from Christina
•   Christina will add a puzzle exchange to the event

Annual Board Meeting and Election March 19, 7:00 to 8:30 pm
•   Chris to secure space at East Asheville Public Library
•   Need to improve speaker system

Spring Community Yard Sale Sat, May 6, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at Groce UMC (fundraiser)
•   Need a new/updated flyer

Discussed tentative events

Tax Reappraisal: what it is, what it means, and how to appeal
•   Rick to follow up with the Buncombe County Property Assessor’s office to clarify tax and reappraisal process dates: Although the reappraisal isn't in effect until January 2025 their goal is to explain the reappraisal process in Jan to April 2024

Spring Gardening Series 4 events on Saturdays, March 2, 9, 16, and 23, 11 am to 12/12:30 pm at Haw Creek Commons (dates/times to be confirmed with speakers)
1)  Tree Pruning: Justin Holt of Asheville Nuttery
2)  Introduction to Pollinators: Athena Anderson of Bee City – Asheville
3)  Native Gardening: Extension Master Gardener Program
4)  Treasured Trees: Asheville Greenworks
•   Storms will manage the tree pruning workshop
•   Renate will manage the other three programs with assistance from Rick on the Treasured Trees program
•   Renate will confirm dates/times and details after the holidays
•   Need to begin marketing in late January or early February

Haw Creek Hustle 5k run/walk, Sat April 20 (fundraiser)
•   Emily Oldenburg presented details on how this event would be managed by Glory Hound Events and made a compelling case on the benefits this event would have for our neighborhood
•   Glory Hound Events would like a commitment asap, including a down payment on their $2,500 fee
•   Total expenses are projected at $5,635 (based on 100 participants), which would be funded by registration fees and sponsorships; they have tentative commitments from 7 sponsors including Whole Foods, Rendezvous, Mountain Running Club, The Whale, etc.
•   Committee members were in agreement about proceeding with the event, however, due to the financial commitment involved the HCCA board would need to vote to proceed
•   Greg Duff, Founder and President of Glory Hound Events, will make a presentation to the full board at its January 9 meeting

Sustainability Swap Donate or “Shop” to reduce our community’s waste and build neighborhood connections
•   Modeled on the City’s Sustainability Advisory Committee’s Holiday Free Store, which is like a yard sale, but free
•   Could focus on Christmas decorations or baby clothes/supplies, etc.
•   Concerns about how this might impact our yard sales—key fundraisers for HCCA

Community Conversations Creating a space for deeper conversation and connection
•   Consider a topic of conversation, similar to Conversations Circle
•   Plan in advance to allow for marketing to increase attendance

Masters Park Hike
•   Rick is willing to lead an extended hike beginning at the Masters Park trailhead and ending near his home on Mann Road
•   Need to select a date (and a rain date) in advance for marketing purposes

Next meeting TBD

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6:00-7:30 pm

Bruce Black, Chris Pelly, Christina Maggi, Leslie Morris (Chair), Rick Fornoff

Unable to attend
Debbie Francis, Jim Brunner, Renate Rikkers, Storms Reback

Notes/Next Steps
Discussed the following scheduled/planned events

Chili Cook Off Tue, Oct 24, 6 pm to 8 pm at Haw Creek Commons (fundraiser)
•   Due to low registration we agreed to make the event free and ask for donations at the door; Christina will update the website event listing accordingly
•   Christina will send emails on 10/14 and 10/21, followed by social media postings
•   Leslie and Chris will post flyers at local groceries, restaurants, churches, etc.
•   Chris will prepare 2 banners and place at both entrances to Haw Creek
•   Rick will look for butcher paper for Chris to make the banners
•   Bruce is coordinating materials: tasting utensils, chili toppings, voting ballots, etc.
•   Chris is coordinating prizes and a raffle with prizes (Black Haw tree, mug)
•   Christina will ask Chili’s to donate a gift card
•   Chris will provide water and paper cups
•   Leslie, Chris and Christina will provide desserts for a bake sale
•   Jim is reaching out to Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese food truck)

HCCA Public Board Meeting Tue, Nov 14, 7 pm at East Asheville Library
•   Chris and Christina will prepare agenda, which will include approval of Sept minutes
•   Christina will work on a PowerPoint of photos to be shown in conjunction with project updates: Little Library (Liz), MP kiosk/new path (Frank), Chili Cook Off (Bruce), Fall yard sale, Game Day, Spring 2024 yard sale (Leslie), Heritage Festival, entrance sign/landscaping, Haw Creek Hustle, (Storms)
•   Chris and Shelley will announce launch of Haw Creek Park Greenway campaign
•   Chris will introduce the new 767 property owner
•   Christina and Renate will organize info/membership sign-up table
•   Leslie and Debbie will organize dessert social

Game Day Sat or Sun in Dec, Jan, and Feb
•   Christina will ask Storms for Haw Creek Commons event contact
•   Christina will ask Susan Michael and Alison Maddox to contact Haw Creek Commons to select date(s) and host

Next meeting TBD

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7:05-8:15 pm


Chris Pelly, Christina Maggi, Debbie Francis, Leslie Morris (Chair), Renate Rikkers, Rick Fornoff, Storms Reback

Unable to attend

Bruce Black, Jim Brunner

Notes/Next Steps

Discussed the following scheduled/planned events

Fall Community Yard Sale Sept 16, 8 am to 1 pm at Groce UMC (fundraiser)

  • Christina will send “last chance” email 9/9 and ask Scott to repost to our social media accounts
  • Sarah will post to her social media accounts and Christina will post to craigslist
  • Renate will talk with tailgate market manager about getting the porta potty key
  • Leslie will mock up existing banner and place at Groce
  • Chris will ask board members to drop off items for the sale to Leslie
  • Christina will email participants with day-of details 9/14
  • Christina will provide detailed list of sellers 9/16 (including any unpaid)
  • Chris will pick up donated items from Leslie’s house and bring to sale
  • Chris will set up and sell donated items at HCCA table, ask Bruce/others to help
  • Leslie will check in vendors and collect any unpaid fees
  • Leslie, Renate and Christina will set up and sell bake sale items, stickers and memberships at info table
  • Frank will direct traffic/parking
  • Debbie will organize pick up of any leftover items from sellers for donation to Brother Wolf or another non-profit organization

Haw Creek Heritage Festival Sat 9/23, 3-7 pm at Haw Creek Commons

  • Co-sponsor with Central United Methodist Church East Campus, Haw Creek Commons, and Haw Creek Elementary
  • Storms will provide photo/text to Christina who will add event to website and send email announcements
  • Once event is on the website Christina will ask Scott to post to social media
  • Storms, Bruce, Chris, Renate will set up HCCA table to promote membership: feature future Arco Road greenway, Masters Park, Little Library, etc.

Chili Cook Off Oct date, 6 pm to 8 pm at Haw Creek Commons (fundraiser)

  • Chris will check Oct 19, 25, 26 dates with Haw Creek Commons
  • Jim has contact with Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese food truck)
  • Organize 10 to 15 donated food submissions
  • Sell tickets for $10 each or free entry to those donating food

HCCA Public Board Meeting Tue 11/14, 7 pm (6 pm board business portion)

  • Chris to confirm library location on 9/14
  • Determine presentations/speakers
  • Chris will invite new 767 property owner to address community
  • Rick agreed to repeat his Haw Creek Hidden History presentation
  • Christina will organize info/membership sign-up table
  • Organize dessert social

Climate Conversations date TBD, 7 pm at Haw Creek Commons

  • Storms will moderate a 1 hour conversation focused on feelings around climate change, limited to 10-15 people

Haw Creek Hustle (5k run/walk) Sat 4/20/2024 (fundraiser)

  • Storms is working with Jim and Emily on details
  • Emily has applied for permits

Reviewed the following potential events—currently on hold

Community Conversations—hold for a winter date

Masters Park Hike—hold till next spring

Next meeting TBD

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7:10-8:10 pm


Bruce Black, Chris Pelly, Christina Maggi, Leslie Morris (Chair), Renate Rikkers, 

Storms Reback

Unable to attend

Debbie Francis, Jim Brunner, Rick Fornoff


Notes/Next Steps


Discussed the following scheduled/planned events

Living with Black Bears June 13, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at East Asheville Library

Presentation by Ashely Hobbs, Special Projects Biologist, NCWRC

Storms is writing an article about bears for an upcoming issue of the Mountain Xpress, which should generate interest in our program

We will not produce a poster as we think turnout will be high (we already have 56 reservations) and the library has limited space

Leslie purchased a bear puppet and we will sell $5 raffle tickets at the event

Christina and Scott will handle website and social media marketing

Christina will organize sign-in table with NCWRC giveaways and membership info, sell bear stickers and raffle tickets

Renate and Chris will assist in greeting and getting attendees to sign in

Chris will introduce Ashely and pitch raffle sale to benefit HCCA

Susan and Frank will take photos

Pie Contest July/August date, Sat/Sun afternoon at Haw Creek Commons (fundraiser)

Renate will arrange a meeting with Barbara Swell to seek her advice; Leslie and Christina will also attend

Christina will ask Barbara about Rick interviewing her for an article that we could use in event publicity

Chris will check available dates with Haw Creek Commons

Organize 10 to 15 donated pie submissions

Sell tickets for $10 each or free entry to those submitting a pie


Fall Community Yard Sale Sept 16, 8 am to 1 pm at Groce UMC (fundraiser)

Chris will ask Amy to update the flyer

Christina will begin marketing in early June and post to craigslist

Chris will ask board members to drop off items for the sale to Leslie


Chili + Soup Cook Off Oct/Nov date, Wed/Thu 6 pm to 8 pm at Haw Creek Commons (fundraiser)

Chris will check available dates with Haw Creek Commons

Jim has contact with Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese food truck)

Rick will repeat his Haw Creek Hidden History presentation

Organize 10 to 15 donated food submissions

Sell tickets for $10 each or free entry to those donating food


Reviewed the following potential events—currently on hold


Haw Creek Hustle (fundraiser) Jim and Storms will be meeting with Emily

Haw Creek Heritage Festival (fundraiser)

Community Conversations

Masters Park Hike


Discussed other items

Renate shared her spontaneous participation in a Conversations Circle hosted by the Baha'i, an international spiritual community that has a chapter in Asheville. They base their conversations on the Baha'i teachings of connecting all people, cultures and races. This group meets weekly with universal conversation topics and it might be a good model to look at for organizing HCCA community conversation meetings. She will talk to the facilitator the next time she attends. For more details see

Renate mentioned the documentary film maker Paul Bonesteel, who has lived in Haw Creek for 20+ years. She will ask him if he might be willing to introduce one of his films followed by Q&A at a screening for HCCA, perhaps America’s First Forest: Carl Schenck and the Asheville Experiment or The Mystery of George Masa. For more details see

Rick agreed to prepare a story about Charlene Noblett that can be posted on our amazing residents web page and possibly as a news story—target date June 16

Christina suggested we consider conducting a poll in the fall to ask residents what types of events HCCA should sponsor in 2024

Next meeting Monday, June 19 at 7:00 pm

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7:10-8:15 pm


Bruce Black, Chris Pelly, Christina Maggi, Leslie Morris (Chair), Rick Fornoff, Storms Reback

Unable to attend

Debbie Francis, Jim Brunner, Renate Rikkers

Notes/Next Steps

Reviewed the following scheduled/planned events

Spring Community Yard Sale May 6, 8 am to 1 pm at Groce UMC

Received 22 reservations for 28 spots—a total of $420 (event goal is $500)

Leslie will ask HOAs to post flyer; also post at library, grocery, tailgate market, etc.

Leslie will mock up existing banner and place at Groce

Christina will promote via email and ask Scott to post to social media on Wed 5/3

Leslie will prepare street signs for placement Thu 5/4

Christina will email participants with day-of details Fri 5/5

Christina will provide Leslie with detailed list of sellers 5/5 (including any unpaid)

Christina, Leslie, Renate and Frank will price donated items at Leslie’s house 5/5 at 11 am and pack items in Frank’s SUV; include bags and wrapping paper for buyers

Leslie will check in vendors, assign spots, and collect any unpaid fees

Leslie, Christina and Renate will set up and sell bake sale items, bear stickers and memberships at info table; Chris will provide HCCA banner and brochures

Bruce and Storms will set up and sell donated items at HCCA table

Frank will direct traffic/parking; vendors should park in the lower parking lot

Chris will ask board members to donate items and baked goods, volunteer at event

BearWise Presentation June 13, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at East Asheville Library

Presentation by Ashely Hobbs, Special Projects Biologist, Wildlife Management Division, NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Chris will confirm library location

Rick/Christina will prepare description details for website and social marketing

Leslie will try to secure a donated stuffed bear, which we can raffle off at the event

Christina will set up and sell bear stickers and memberships at info table

Pie Contest July/August date, Sat/Sun afternoon at Haw Creek Commons (fundraiser)

Rick/Renate will reach out to Barbara Swell to see if she would assist with the event and be a “celebrity judge” and ask her about potential dates in late July/early August

Chris will check available dates with Haw Creek Commons

Organize 10 to 15 donated pie submissions

Sell tickets for $10 each or free entry to those submitting a pie

Fall Community Yard Sale Sept date, Sat 8 am to 1 pm at Groce UMC (fundraiser)

Leslie will secure a Saturday date in September with Groce UMC

Chili + Soup Cook Off Oct/Nov date, Wed/Thu 6 pm to 8 pm at Haw Creek Commons (fundraiser)

Chris will check available dates with Haw Creek Commons

Jim has contact with Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese food truck)

Rick will repeat his Haw Creek Hidden History presentation

Organize 10 to 15 donated food submissions

Sell tickets for $10 each to be a taste tester and vote for the winner

Discussed the following potential events

Haw Creek Hustle (fundraiser)

5k run following Haw Creek graduate parade route (New/Old Haw Creek loop)

Jim will lead event and follow up with Emily (Sarah’s contact) who might help

Storms will contact DOT to clarify regulations regarding road closures

Family Festival (fundraiser)

A family-friendly festival (like the Groovin on Grovemont concert series in Swannanoa) with live music and food trucks

Storms will call Parks & Rec office to inquire about using the ballfield

Community Conversations

Rick is willing to lead—can be arranged on short notice if needed

Masters Park Hike

Rick is willing to lead—can be arranged on short notice if needed

Discussed other items

Storms drafted a design for a Haw Creek banner that people could hang outside their house (like the ones seen in West Asheville and Montford) to show neighborhood pride and support HCCA. He estimates the production cost at about $900 for 100 banners and thinks we could sell them for $30 each. Storms will confirm the cost to produce 50 banners and Chris will ask Amy if she can improve on the design. Investment to be discussed/approved at the May 9 board meeting.

Rick agreed to prepare a story about Charlene Noblett, using Susan’s draft, that can be posted on our amazing Haw Creek residents web page and possibly as a news story

Next meeting Monday, May 22 at 7:00 pm

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7:00-8:00 pm


Chris Pelly, Christina Maggi, Leslie Morris (Chair), Rick Fornoff, Susan Michael

Unable to attend

Jim Brunner, Debbie Francis, Pam Seale, Renate Rikkers

Notes/Next Steps

Reviewed the following scheduled/planned events

Game Day 2/19 2 pm to 4:30 pm at Haw Creek Commons

Promote via website, email and social media

Susan organize games and snacks

Annual Board Meeting and Election 3/14 7 pm at East Asheville Public Library

Chris will organize agenda, identify expert to speak about local real estate issues such as trends, infill and zoning, introduce Neighborhood Services Specialist Meredith Friedheim and Community Engagement Manager Kristina Israel, invite East Asheville CRO Carrie Lee to attend

Chris will lead effort to recruit new board members to fill at least 4 seats

Christina will ask Scott to create an event flyer, organize membership table, provide on-site signup, sell bear stickers

Explore raffle option and potential prizes to raise funds (donated gift certificates from Creekside, Pennycup, Whale Outpost, etc.)

Promote via newsletter, website, email and social media; ask HOAs to post flyer

Leslie will organize dessert social

Spring Community Yard Sale 5/6 8 am to 1 pm at Groce UMC (goal is to raise $500)

Chris will ask Amy to update flyer with new date

Promote via newsletter, website, email and social media; ask HOAs to post flyer

Leslie will reach out to past sellers to secure participation

Leslie will ask Meghan if she’s interested in organizing a kids table

Leslie will ask board members to donate baked goods and volunteer at event

Leslie will mock up existing banner and prepare street signs for placement Sat 4/29

Christina will organize info table, assist with bake sale, sell bear stickers

Chili + Soup Cook Off April date 6 pm to 8 pm (fundraiser)

Leslie will ask Groce about a Thursday date in April

Rick will repeat his Haw Creek Hidden History presentation

Organize 10 to 15 donated food submissions

Sell tickets ($10 each) to be a taste tester and vote for the winner

Promote at annual meeting and via website, email and social media

Community Conversations

Rick will look at potential spring dates

Need to expand promotion to encourage attendance

BearWise Presentation by NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Rick will reach out to NCWRC about potential March or April dates

Determine location

Haw Creek Hustle (fundraiser)

5k run following Haw Creek graduate parade route

Christina will follow up with Sarah about her contact (Emily) who might help lead this event

Fall Community Yard Sale (fundraiser)

Leslie will secure a September date with Groce UMC

Discussed other items

Buncombe County's proposed 2043 Comprehensive Plan, which includes rezoning to allow denser development around the periphery of Haw Creek: Chris and/or Barber Melton will meet with CAN representatives in March

Potential for a Concert/Family Fun Day with musical performance, food trucks, games, face painting, etc.

Susan is working on two food-based events to raise funds for the Haw Creek Commons

Rick suggested posting the Bullman Park baseball game schedule to encourage local attendance

Interviewing/sharing stories of amazing Haw Creek residents

Prepare and post article about Charlene Noblett

Review list of additional folks to interview that Debbie previously provided and determine next steps/timing

Next meeting TBD

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